Tree Time News

East Lothian Tree Planting

April 22, 2022 by

Thanks to support from Charles River there were 10 new street trees planted in East Lothian as part of the Queens Green Canopy. 9 team members based at Tranent did a great job in helping to plant them up. One of the team said "It was the best possible weather and people had a lot of fun... Read More

Wee Forest

April 22, 2022 by

It has been great to see local communities getting involved in planting up 'Wee Forests' across the region. Wee Forests is the Scottish name for TinyForests®, part of a global community of practice based on the methods of Japanese Botanist Akiri Miyawaki. The ‘Miyawaki Method’ encourages accel... Read More

New Dedication Trees

December 17, 2021 by

Over 26 new dedication trees have been planted across the city over the past month. We have received some great feedback from the donors which include.   "The tree looks brilliant",               "The tree is absolutely pe... Read More

Good Neighbour Award

December 2, 2021 by

Two Edinburgh ‘Good Neighbours’ have been recognised with a commemorative Tree Time plaque unveiled in their honour in Craigmillar Town Centre in recognition of their work and the support they give their local communities. The City of Edinburgh Council’s Good Neighbour Awards, established i... Read More

Launching the Million Tree City

November 29, 2021 by

ELGT are delighted to be involved with launching the Million Tree City initiative in partnership with the City of Edinburgh Council and the Woodland Trust at Lauriston Castle where the Lord Provost planted some trees. To find out more about the initiative see here ... Read More

Father’s Day – Celebrate with Tree Time.

June 16, 2021 by

    Father’s Day is just around the corner. On Sunday 20th of June, give him a meaningful gift by dedicating a tree through Tree Time.  This year, forget about buying unnecessary gifts. If you’re looking for a Father’s Day gift that has minimum impact on Earth, whilst s... Read More

Support Tree Time for Earth Day 2021

April 19, 2021 by

Join in the global celebrations for Earth Day on April 22nd by showing your love for trees and our planet with a tree dedication through Tree Time. Earth Day is celebrated annually in over 190 countries around the world. Earth Day aims to raise environmental awareness and inspire action for envir... Read More

Celebrate Easter with Tree Time 

March 30, 2021 by

[caption id="attachment_2670" align="aligncenter" width="572"]  Photo by Gary Bendig[/caption]   Are you in search of an Easter gift for friends and family this year? After Christmas, Easter is the worst time of year for producing unnecessary waste. The environmental impact of produci... Read More

Commemorate Earth Hour this year with Tree Time.

March 22, 2021 by

Earth Hour 2021 Earth Hour will be celebrated on March 27th of this year. Earth Hour is an hour where millions of people connect with others and switch off their lights to show that they care about the future of our planet. Earth Hour is celebrated every year to increase awareness and spark globa... Read More

Lutton Place – New Trees Planted

March 17, 2021 by

We are delighted to announce that new trees have been planted in Lutton Place. They were generously funded by Scotland Loves Local funding through the Southside Community Council and Tree Time donations. If you would like to find out more information on how you can get involved click here ... Read More


March 5, 2021 by

  When buying gifts we often don’t know the impact they can have on the environment.  Mother's Day is just right around the corner so it's the perfect time to think about a gift that's not only thoughtful, but great for the environment and the planet.  If you have a loved one who ... Read More

New tree donated by Emerald Works

March 4, 2021 by

We are delighted to announce that we have planted a new tree in Bruntsfield Links thanks to a generous donation from Emerald Works. We would like to thank them for their support in helping us make Edinburgh greener for residents and future generations.... Read More